Sunday, May 29, 2011

What Wheel Does Eastern Trail

20th Art Days from 09.07. until 31.07.2011 Wasserschloß Dornum

20th Dornumer art days "of life - life lines"
From 9 July to 30 July 2011 in the surge tank Dornum

art and culture enthusiasts Dornum Area Association
1st chairman of KUK behalf of the Board Wolf Jacobs
patron Prof. Wanka, Ministry of Science and Culture.

The practice of art is a big part of myself, I am the air in which I breathe. [Clara Schumann 1819-1896]

26553 Dornum

The special feature of the exhibition venue
the baroque moated castle is called Dornum also Dornumer glory. Significant is the great hall, a two-story space with a surrounding gallery and a Baroque ceiling paintings. The historical site gives the event a very special charm.

With more than 130 high-profile works like this year, the exhibiting artists, dealing with the theme "life - life lines" to deal intensively impress the audience. Twelve artists show painting, graphics and photography, installations and sculptures complement the theme.

ISSUING artists

Catharina de Rijke
Heike Jeschonnek
Sofia Kouldakidou
Tina Cassati
Ursula Commandeur
Bernd Mönikes
Christophe Carbenay
Josef Krichbaum
Michael Engelhardt
Peter fat Hauer
Stephan Geisler
Thorsten Poersch

Modello: AMANO


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