Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dental Exam Uae Sample

Quiet Revenge of The Earth by James Lovelock


For thousands of years mankind has exploited land without considering the consequences. Now that global warming and climate change are evident to any impartial observer, the Earth begins to take revenge.
Humanity is not only about to destroy itself but all the solutions proposed or implemented so far can not solve the problem (biomass, solar energy, etc ...)
the author's deep knowledge about the science of global warming allows us a real explanation about what is happening and proposes realistic solutions to the biggest problem that has faced humanity.
In this impassioned plea, James Lovelock argues that while climate change is inevitable, it's not too late to save (or at least some of us).


James Ephraim Lovelock was born in Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire in 1919. He studied chemistry at Manchester University before obtaining a medical research position with the Medical Research Council (Medical Research Council), London.
In 1948 he received a doctorate degree in medicine at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. During his stay in the United States conducted various investigations at Yale University, the College of Medicine Baylor University and Harvard University. It was during his stay in that Yale University when he developed the detector electron capture which allowed to detect toxic compounds in regions as remote as the Antarctic.
is an independent scientist, meteorologist, writer, inventor and environmentalist, known for the Gaia Hypothesis , which views the Earth as a self-regulating system. Former opponent of nuclear arms, now promotes the use of nuclear energy as a resource to reduce the abuse of fossil fuels and prevent the atmospheric system reaches a tipping point that could destabilize
The Geological Society of London awarded him the Medal Wollaston in 2006 by the "creation of an entirely new field of study in Earth sciences, science Earth system.


When finished reading this book, the first idea that comes to mind is: Where I hide me? Ten years given the planet Lovelock, the goddess Gaia, to begin to exterminate. It will do no evil, for survival. which the excess carbon dioxide is going to overheat while killing most of its guests, luckily, including causing us fools.
global warming is fatal necessity, not the temperature that will only be a few degrees, but that triggered a domino effect. A few degrees kills Most of the sea algae, leading processor of CO2 through photosynthesis, but also producers demitileno sulfide, a gas that is essential for water vapor to condense and rain. Rainless goodbye to the forests of the planet, with the consequent disappearance of the main producer of oxygen and CO2 fixation.
But that's not all, the methane gas trapped in frozen ground or under pressure in the trenches with the heat will escape into the atmosphere worsening the problem as unsolvable because it is impossible to stop, like a car without brakes.
Lovelock in his book only see a glimmer of hope if we consume fossil fuels from now. Not a damn barrel. He proposes massive construction of nuclear fission until the ITER, the fusion power plant is in progress and the widespread (and that works, that is about to prove) All other alternative energy systems will look like patches that will not solve the problem . Especially against wind load by ugly ... it looks that threaten to put many wind turbines near his home ... you see the duster ....
Humans are so selfish even in the agony. Although in general has whole reason the world is unsustainable, or act with intelligence (that will not be) or prepare for an unprecedented carnage. In
pessimism at the end of the book, calls for the creation of an encyclopedia to bequeath to the few surviving humans in Canada or Antarctica and to rebuild civilization without making mistakes. ! Iluso
The book is very interesting reading, Lovelock is a master of the disclosure of scientific data mixed with stories of grandpa English after the war. Essential reading.



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