SYNOPSIS: For thousands of years mankind has exploited land without considering the consequences. Now that global warming and climate change are evident to any impartial observer, the Earth begins to take revenge. Humanity is not only about to destroy itself but all the solutions proposed or implemented so far can not solve the problem (biomass, solar energy, etc ...) the author's deep knowledge about the science of global warming allows us a real explanation about what is happening and proposes realistic solutions to the biggest problem that has faced humanity. In this impassioned plea, James Lovelock argues that while climate change is inevitable, it's not too late to save (or at least some of us).
James Ephraim Lovelock was born in Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire in 1919. He studied chemistry at Manchester University before obtaining a medical research position with the Medical Research Council (Medical Research Council), London. In 1948 he received a doctorate degree in medicine at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. During his stay in the United States conducted various investigations at Yale University, the College of Medicine Baylor University and Harvard University. It was during his stay in that Yale University when he developed the detector electron capture which allowed to detect toxic compounds in regions as remote as the Antarctic. is an independent scientist, meteorologist, writer, inventor and environmentalist, known for the Gaia Hypothesis , which views the Earth as a self-regulating system. Former opponent of nuclear arms, now promotes the use of nuclear energy as a resource to reduce the abuse of fossil fuels and prevent the atmospheric system reaches a tipping point that could destabilize The Geological Society of London awarded him the Medal Wollaston in 2006 by the "creation of an entirely new field of study in Earth sciences, science Earth system.
When finished reading this book, the first idea that comes to mind is: Where I hide me? Ten years given the planet Lovelock, the goddess Gaia, to begin to exterminate. It will do no evil, for survival. which the excess carbon dioxide is going to overheat while killing most of its guests, luckily, including causing us fools.
global warming is fatal necessity, not the temperature that will only be a few degrees, but that triggered a domino effect. A few degrees kills Most of the sea algae, leading processor of CO2 through photosynthesis, but also producers demitileno sulfide, a gas that is essential for water vapor to condense and rain. Rainless goodbye to the forests of the planet, with the consequent disappearance of the main producer of oxygen and CO2 fixation.
But that's not all, the methane gas trapped in frozen ground or under pressure in the trenches with the heat will escape into the atmosphere worsening the problem as unsolvable because it is impossible to stop, like a car without brakes.
Lovelock in his book only see a glimmer of hope if we consume fossil fuels from now. Not a damn barrel. He proposes massive construction of nuclear fission until the ITER, the fusion power plant is in progress and the widespread (and that works, that is about to prove) All other alternative energy systems will look like patches that will not solve the problem . Especially against wind load by ugly ... it looks that threaten to put many wind turbines near his home ... you see the duster ....
Humans are so selfish even in the agony. Although in general has whole reason the world is unsustainable, or act with intelligence (that will not be) or prepare for an unprecedented carnage. In
pessimism at the end of the book, calls for the creation of an encyclopedia to bequeath to the few surviving humans in Canada or Antarctica and to rebuild civilization without making mistakes. ! Iluso
The book is very interesting reading, Lovelock is a master of the disclosure of scientific data mixed with stories of grandpa English after the war. Essential reading.
Director: Stuart Townsend Producer: Kirk Shaw, Maxime Remillard, Mary Aloe Starring: Andre Benjamin, Jennifer Carpenter, Woody Harrelson, Martin Henderson, Joshua Jackson, Ray Liotta, Tzi Ma, Ivana Milicevic, Connie Nielsen, Michelle Rodriguez Length: 1:40:00 Premiere: Friday October 3, 2008 Genre: Drama Country: USA, Germany, Canada Distributor: Wide Pictures
tells the tragic situation that took place at the meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle in 1999, where some 100,000 protesters wreaked havoc on the city. During those days, tens of thousands of people took by assault the streets in protest against the powerful supranational organization. What began as a peaceful anti-globalization protests, demanding the cessation of the WTO conference, it became a riot, which eventually forced to proclaim a state of emergency, which led to the adoption of a stance of fighting against the Seattle Police Department and National Guard by a mass of unarmed peaceful protesters. From these facts, "Battle in Seattle intertwines different points of view of society, from the protesters and police to delegates involved in the conference and those who intentionally or accidentally, were involved in pitched battle on the streets of Seattle.
This film recounts a crucial awareness of the world about yourself, as you stated in the synopsis thousands of people committed to the most diverse struggles against the injustices that plague the Earth from environmentalists, trade unionists, humanitarian organizations, movimiento anarchists pacifists were cited in Seattle to protest against one of the most perverse world organizations, the WTO (World Trade Organization) is not unique. Others such as the IMF, World Bank are on their backs million dead (and enslaved and impoverished people) throughout the world. remember when these events occurred, I think I left and I tend to read (or browse) the periodic time time. The opinion I formed of them was that they were a gang of hooligans, only later after the reading of Chomsky and others I know you're in the game. I say this as an example of misinformation to which we have subjected the media, especially television. This also appears in the film. The film is very comprehensive on the subject, a great testimony about the facts, but the need to dramatize and make emotional elements that engage the viewer, makes the message is confusing if not previously know you are speaking. On the other hand the images of action and violence are a little loose in relation to what happened there, 100,000 protesters, state of siege the flooded city of tear gas, detained more than 600 ... etc., note that there was not much money for special effects, but in the end the viewer is not conscious also entertain. won the Seattle anti-globalization, but no doubt that almost 10 years from now, there has been no victory but, contrary to accumulate defeat after defeat, the last this shocking financial crisis plunges the world if we will not have more than deserved BY asshole!!
The novel can not start with more force, The earthquake that struck Sparta in the year 464 ad. Where Damatria lost all his family and is raped by a slave who leaves ilota pregnant. The novel chronicles the fortunes of this unwanted child, Antalcidas, and his family. The mother who hates his brother spoiled, epithelial, step-parents, but also those who favored his erastes, the old man and his wife Zeuxippus the beautiful Spartan Andreia. And especially the city, the Spartan state with its unique lifestyle.
all culminated in his decisive battle where 300 Spartans Antalcidas and others are also located in the rocky island of Sphacteria, commanded by his brother epithelium. A historic event occurred in the early years of the war Peloponnese.
Nicholas Nicastro was born in 1963 in Astoria, New York (United States). Before taking up writing led a restless life and varied: a BA in English Literature in 1985 Films in 1991, Archaeology in 1996 and Psychology in 2003. And all this while collected works: he has served as film critic, a hospital orderly, a reporter, archivist, professional speaker, psychologist, animal and home seller. Undoubtedly, this experience has been reflected in his literary output, his works demonstrate a deep knowledge of the spirit and miseries human. Nicastro began his literary work with a trilogy about John Paul Jones, the celebrated hero of the American War of Independence. In a genre like the ship, dominated mostly by the English point of view, Nicastro offers an attractive change of perspective. was his next novel, Empire of Ashes , which released him and began his cycle of novels set in ancient Greece. Here is the story of Alexander the Great from the viewpoint of a skeptic Athenian soldier who must destroy the myth of Alexander to save himself from the charge of sacrilege. His next novel, Sons of Sparta , offers us a similar tone realism, the narrative of the first surrender of the Spartans. And Antigone's Wake, his last novel, takes us back to the imperial Athens, with the protagonist and playwright Sophocles thread.
We face a very good historical novel. Written with skill and pace, with an interesting plot that allows us to delve into the life and customs of Sparta clásica.Esparta fabulous, fascist state paradigm against the "democratic" Athens. But is she? The Athens of Draco was not very different from the Sparta of Lycurgus. Was trade and especially the introduction of money (in Sparta never been neither one nor the other) favored by Solon (one of the Seven Sages of Greece) which enabled the evolution of Athens to a political society more complex compleja.Más yes, but the same structure basic of all human society: The brutal exploitation of man by the release of Sparta Man. say that everything was basic and simple: The land and sangre.Los Spartan slaves (helots) were living a miserable life, like those of Athens. For against their masters, the hómoioi or equal, neither had an enviable life, slaves to turn the state of the harsh laws and brutal costumbres.El author, a psychology graduate, in this novel suggests an interesting fact because the Spartans could endure such a life. Spartan education, the Agogo, made them perfect as modern sadomasoquistas.Y psicokillers, death, pain, both foreign as itself caused them great sexual pleasure. No wonder they fight the Spartan hoplites and even spliced \u200b\u200bbatallas.El man ejaculated during an amazing animal.
Nature is everything, but usually usually refer to thinking in terms of lives and relationships of living species with the environment.
Nature's defense has been a part of me since I was eight or nine years. In a math problem the professor presented us with many zebras in a zoo would be if a flood killed a number of them.
What should be a simple subtraction became for me a question. Why did he have to die no? Is that the man was unable to save a few animals that had under his care?
The question is inextricably higher. The man was able to care for their environment?
will say that back in the 80's, a child to worry about these things was an absolute nonsense, but given how global landscape has changed, I think it has been shown that I was a visionary who joined others who understand that the man had reached a point where it was endangering its own existence. Defender
now nature has become a daily event for anyone who feels a little empathy for their fellow man and not a wannabe psychopath with no feelings.
Save water, energy, responsible use of resources are things we do dirariamente or should do, for our own good.
But anyone with half a brain will see that this is not enough. It is essential, but we must do more.
have to take the fight to a higher level business and political pressure, teach them that we are concerned, and if they do not care can not meet their own goals, whether for re-election, or to sell a plasma TV.
If companies do not meet environmental protection standards that we establish (which should be more restrictive than the standards imposed by law) then do not buy them.
For example, Coca-Cola consumed legally aquifer water for agriculture in countries where food shortages. was the pressure of all of us who managed to commit itself not to continue with these harmful practices. And should our viviglancia which who really do meet and go beyond words.
the same way, let loose with a spirit of speculation, as the upgrading of a road to encourage innobiliaria area, endangering areas of high ecological value should cost him his job in an administration.
If we do so, if we are not responsible for their actions, and tolerate it for reasons that are the standard pattern, then we are not good enough for this world.
can not be justified in any way bad for the sake of profit at any cost. On certain issues, such as survival of our children, no gray.
Things are black or white.
And that's the error that the ordinary citizen committed, we commit.
We believe that recycling is not enough, when our main task should be to monitor politicians and companies in our area to make sure they destroy what is costing us so much effort to create.
Starring: Meryl Streep , Juan Pablo Di Pace , Pierce Brosnan, Amanda Seyfried , Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard , Julie Walters , Christine Baranski, Dominic Cooper Director: Phyllida Lloyd Producer: Benny Andersson , Judy Craymer, Gary Goetzman , Tom Hanks, Björn Ulvaeus Length: 1:48:00 Release: Friday August 8 2008 Genre: Musical Country: United States, United Kingdom Distributor: Universal
Donna, an independent, single mother who owns a small hotel on an idyllic Greek island is about to let go of Sophie, the spirited daughter she's raised alone. Donna has invited her two lifelong best girlfriends the wedding of his daughter, Rosie, a practical woman and logic, and Tanya wealthy, multi. Both are former members of his former band, Donna and the Dynamos. For its part, Sophie has secretly invited three guests. Determined to find a father for her down the aisle, she brings back three men who visited the island paradise 20 years ago. During the following 24 chaotic, magical hours, new love will bloom and old romances will be rekindled on this lush island full of possibilities.
The CRITICAL that we have not gone on vacation, with this film that summer we deicr 2008, we had a great season on a Greek island. With all its sea, beaches, pine and olive trees and whitewashed houses and blue, in the good company of old friends of youth. do not know who said the only thing good about the movie were the songs of ABBA. As part of the songs, the location and the actors are great, especially Meryl Streep with an agility that Madonna wanted and for her. And the story is perfect. ABBA fans liked it or not already have an age, and the film is that, of lost youth, when we were hippies tacky and not what we spent so well. Youth perhaps only lasted one summer. But if you think you can improve the script, the contest on the songs of ABBA, is still open here notice for which you have the bad habit of leaving the cinema as the credits start had it not been for the setter ... I miss the best.
The young British filmmaker returns to the mythical character of the universe of DC Comics from the hand of a cast excepcional.La Heath Ledger's performance deserves a post just for him, arouses less more interest than the actual premiere of "The Dark Knight" and as I read everywhere, is the character he plays (the joker) that will make immortal. "If there is a movement to run for Oscar since Peter Finch won in 1976 for his performance in 'Network', anótenme" said the critic Peter Travers of Rolling Stone. The premiere of Batman has generated great expectations world, coupled with the attractiveness of the performance of recently deceased Australian actor Heath Ledger. The film critics and colleagues point out as a great candidate to win the top prize in world cinema, would be the second in history to win after of his death, as happened with Finch. "He is the definitive movie Joker, and owner of the paper reaches a level of insanity as scary as irresistible," said Todd Gilchrist of IGN Movies. Ledger stars as the Joker, the villain of "The Dark Knight" (The Dark Knight), a place that had a stellar performance by Jack Nicholson in Tim Burton's Batman in 1989. The young actor, 28, died in January 2008 of an accidental overdose of drugs that shocked the environment Hollywood.El premiere of "The Dark Knight" took place in New York City and those attending confirmed the brilliant performance Australian. I can say that I went to see today and which is excellent. For me, the best Batman movie I've seen so far and that the performance of Heath Ledger is amazing and impressive. The joker steals the film in the nearly three hours long. "For those who knew him and who had the privilege of working with him is pretty amazing the disparity between the person he was and the monster that was able to create for the film," said the film's director, Christopher Nolan. According to experts, the focus on the Joker's character is not centered on the recent death of Ledger, or possible acquisition of the Oscar. The expectation is created Joker in it, will that be in film history. the you can not lose you. Very good.