Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Legal Hunt Tennessee Laser Scope

Street Art Sleeping Water Silver Gondola

                                                                                            Pantano de Arguis, (Huesca)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ships Ladder For Sale

                                                                              Venice (Italy)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Drinking Alcohol With Lorazepam

Senses Sirmione

In these places, the sight and smell play an important role, but what is really important

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2010 Sports Announcers Salaries

Translation by Isabella Kramer:

Vögel singen und der Tag Dammert. Was für ein Erwachen

Birds sing and the day dawns -
That alarm clock! Les oiseaux chantent

effrayer pour le matin -
réveil c'est ça?

Birds sing for the day dawns -
that alarm clock! Passarinho

to sing me or Amanhecer day -
that alarm clock!

Antony & The Johnsons - Bird Gerhl

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sms To Frends On New Baby Born

                                                                             Sirmione, Lake Garda (Italy)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Length Of Standard Suitcase

obligatory stop

                Monteriggioni,   Toscana Italiana

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What Happened To Wifelovers?

Campos Castilla Tuscan Castles

                                                                                                         Italian Tuscany

Friday, March 18, 2011

Should I Go To School With A Chest Infection


We are not only responsible for what we do,
but also for what we do not do! > Molière <

Modello & Make-up: EVA Pechmarie

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How Much Does An Indesit Washing Machine Weigh

recycling Couture 2011 by Tina Cassati

Model: EVA Pechmarie
Make-up: EVA
Styling: Tina Cassati
Couture Recycling: Recycling Tina Cassati
Hat Object: Tina Cassati

Model: EVA Pechmarie
Make-up: EVA
Styling / Hair: Tina Cassati
recycling Couture Rock: Tina Cassati
recycling RING pearl flower: Tina Cassati
blouse corset: private

Salomon Helmet Remove Ear Pads

Castle Peñaranda de Duero, a town in the province of Burgos, the city center is a gem, highlighting square, the palace and gives her roll in the center of it.

The scroll is a stone column, usually topped by a cross or a ball. Represented the administrative category of the place, rising only in that Villazgo had full jurisdiction, indicating the regime that was under: real dominion, Concejil, ecclesiastical or monastic. Besides marking the territorial limit and in some cases, it was a memorial to the granting of villazgo. Shared with the picks the functions of executions. These executions were suspended by decree of the Cortes of Cadiz in 1812. They are in those towns were mayor of Castile and, therefore, jurisdiction to judge and condemn to death. Also served to punish and pay the penalties under common criminals, who after being beaten, were exposed to public shame. The rolls are similar
to cruise, but its meaning is different.
During the Conquest of America, the first act of founding a city was the erection of the roll, as a symbol of royal jurisdiction and as a sign of coercive threat.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Disneyland Personalized Leather Bracelets

8th März 2011 - 100 years of the International Women's Day

"What guess young women? with self-consciousness in the world to go to get involved in politics. to know yourself and to find the best options, the most important. why should women together to dispose of their time and for their place in the world "fight.

Frigga Haug (73 years)
sociologist and psychologist
Source: Berliner Zeitung, 03.08.2011,
feuilleton, Page 23 to read the whole post.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pergier Nadyne Facebook

Sunset over the Arno river. Castillos de Castilla

Sunset a photo by jesus127 on Flickr.
All sunsets are beautiful, but the magic of Florence makes it even more spectacular.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Donna Leon Venetian Centre For Baroque Music

Waiting for springtime

The big picture is not recognizable as a picture: it is.
Or more precisely: you find yourself in it.
[Antoine de Saint-Exupéry]

Project: Donna di Fantasia by Tina Cassati
Digital Photo Art Mixed Media People

"The worst , it is never complete, there is never a moment, where one can say: I have worked well, and tomorrow is Sunday Once you stop, is `s to the beginning. to begin. You can decide to be a picture and let to stir no more about it. But no one can write below. End "