Nature. Defense and change
Nature is everything, but usually usually refer to thinking in terms of lives and relationships of living species with the environment.
Nature's defense has been a part of me since I was eight or nine years. In a math problem the professor presented us with many zebras in a zoo would be if a flood killed a number of them.
What should be a simple subtraction became for me a question. Why did he have to die no? Is that the man was unable to save a few animals that had under his care?
The question is inextricably higher. The man was able to care for their environment?
will say that back in the 80's, a child to worry about these things was an absolute nonsense, but given how global landscape has changed, I think it has been shown that I was a visionary who joined others who understand that the man had reached a point where it was endangering its own existence. Defender
now nature has become a daily event for anyone who feels a little empathy for their fellow man and not a wannabe psychopath with no feelings.
Save water, energy, responsible use of resources are things we do dirariamente or should do, for our own good.
But anyone with half a brain will see that this is not enough. It is essential, but we must do more.
have to take the fight to a higher level business and political pressure, teach them that we are concerned, and if they do not care can not meet their own goals, whether for re-election, or to sell a plasma TV.
If companies do not meet environmental protection standards that we establish (which should be more restrictive than the standards imposed by law) then do not buy them.
For example, Coca-Cola consumed legally aquifer water for agriculture in countries where food shortages. was the pressure of all of us who managed to commit itself not to continue with these harmful practices. And should our viviglancia which who really do meet and go beyond words.
the same way, let loose with a spirit of speculation, as the upgrading of a road to encourage innobiliaria area, endangering areas of high ecological value should cost him his job in an administration.
If we do so, if we are not responsible for their actions, and tolerate it for reasons that are the standard pattern, then we are not good enough for this world.
can not be justified in any way bad for the sake of profit at any cost. On certain issues, such as survival of our children, no gray.
Things are black or white.
And that's the error that the ordinary citizen committed, we commit.
We believe that recycling is not enough, when our main task should be to monitor politicians and companies in our area to make sure they destroy what is costing us so much effort to create.
Nature's defense has been a part of me since I was eight or nine years. In a math problem the professor presented us with many zebras in a zoo would be if a flood killed a number of them.
What should be a simple subtraction became for me a question. Why did he have to die no? Is that the man was unable to save a few animals that had under his care?
The question is inextricably higher. The man was able to care for their environment?
will say that back in the 80's, a child to worry about these things was an absolute nonsense, but given how global landscape has changed, I think it has been shown that I was a visionary who joined others who understand that the man had reached a point where it was endangering its own existence. Defender
now nature has become a daily event for anyone who feels a little empathy for their fellow man and not a wannabe psychopath with no feelings.
Save water, energy, responsible use of resources are things we do dirariamente or should do, for our own good.
But anyone with half a brain will see that this is not enough. It is essential, but we must do more.
have to take the fight to a higher level business and political pressure, teach them that we are concerned, and if they do not care can not meet their own goals, whether for re-election, or to sell a plasma TV.
If companies do not meet environmental protection standards that we establish (which should be more restrictive than the standards imposed by law) then do not buy them.
For example, Coca-Cola consumed legally aquifer water for agriculture in countries where food shortages. was the pressure of all of us who managed to commit itself not to continue with these harmful practices. And should our viviglancia which who really do meet and go beyond words.
the same way, let loose with a spirit of speculation, as the upgrading of a road to encourage innobiliaria area, endangering areas of high ecological value should cost him his job in an administration.
If we do so, if we are not responsible for their actions, and tolerate it for reasons that are the standard pattern, then we are not good enough for this world.
can not be justified in any way bad for the sake of profit at any cost. On certain issues, such as survival of our children, no gray.
Things are black or white.
And that's the error that the ordinary citizen committed, we commit.
We believe that recycling is not enough, when our main task should be to monitor politicians and companies in our area to make sure they destroy what is costing us so much effort to create.